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5 Reasons You Should Outsource Your Podcast Production

Podcasts are growing in popularity every single day due to their easy-to-consume format and convenience. They’re also a great avenue for creativity, free speech, and an effective means of promoting brands and services. While the idea of talking at length about a subject you’re passionate about seems exciting, there’s more to it than just getting a good microphone and hitting the record button.

Producing a professional podcast involves a lot of behind-the-scenes work that will take up a lot of time and effort. Repetitive tasks like audio editing and video production are just some of them and they can be challenging.

While being a hands-on producer is ideal, you can’t do everything alone. You have to determine which aspects of the production process generate more value than others. Your time is better off spent on brainstorming episode ideas or focusing on the show’s content, which is why outsourcing production services is extremely popular these days. 

Podcast outsourcing is an industry rife with professionals that will help you produce a high-quality show. From audio editing to writing show notes and coming up with marketing assets, you are bound to find someone that will take your podcast from good to great.

You can skip the tedious process of learning new programs necessary to make your podcast possible or a skill you just don’t have the knack for. You can have someone do it for you in no time.

Ready to turn your podcast into a professional passion project? Here are other pros of outsourcing your podcast production that might just help you decide:

  1. Quality equipment and software

To make a professional-sounding podcast, you need equipment and programs that will take it to the next level. However, you can, of course, just hire someone who specializes in its use if you think it’s not worth the investment. These professionals not only possess the skills to make the best out of these tools, but they also know which programs to use in what situation. It will definitely save you a lot of Googling.

2. Professional audio production 

Audio is one of the more, if not the most important, aspects of a podcast and can make or break a show. It also doesn’t help that audio editing can seem intimidating with all the programs. This is why so many people turn to professionals to do this for them.

To ensure that your podcast is the best quality it can be, consider hiring someone that can take care of the peripherals and post-production editing. This can help put your podcast on the map. You’ll be extremely pleased with the decision and you won’t have to worry about learning the ins and outs of editing programs.

3. Saves you time!

The time it takes for someone to produce a full-blown podcast episode is no joke. There are a lot of things that go into it and they take a while to get used to. It’s a growing pain that’s part of the process but something that can be skipped when you outsource help. That is why they’re there, to make your life a little easier.

When you decide to have someone else handle the more complex parts of podcasting, your schedule frees up and you get to focus on tasks that matter. Not only do you benefit from this, but it elevates your podcast as well.

4. A variety of Industry-standard output

These are just some of the things that you can outsource that will take your podcast to the next level:

a. Music: Intro, Outro, and Jingles

To catch the attention of your audience, you’ll need a good intro and outro. However, if you plan on integrating music into your intro, or to your podcast itself, be careful of existing copyright laws.

Recently, music labels have been a lot stricter when it comes to copyright, so you’d want an intro that adheres to the laws made by someone knowledgeable on the matter.

B. Script

A great, structured show wouldn’t be complete without a fleshed-out script. You can, of course, choose to do this yourself, but a script will definitely help keep your podcast on track.

C. Transcript and show notes

Transcripts may seem unnecessary to some, but it is one sure-fire way to get your podcast discovered. When you publish your transcript on your website, Google can pick up certain keywords and make your podcast searchable. SEO is the key!

Show notes are also a great help to your listeners since they act as bookmarks for your podcast and can even make an interested listener stay as they get a preview of the episode content.

D. Website

Setting up a website can be a little complex for a first-timer and can take a while to master. And while you can do this on your own through WordPress or other hosting platforms, a professional can turn your vision into reality.

E. Graphics

What’s an outstanding podcast without eye-catching graphics? Once you’ve figured out your podcast’s brand and identity, a good logo and episode artworks are great things to commission. Up your social media game and have your promotional graphics made as well!

F. Marketing assets

Promotions are an integral part of podcasting, because how else are you going to get listeners? Have someone else handle your social media channels because that is a full-time job in and of itself. 

They can also track engagement as well as figure out strategies to boost interactions. One way of doing so is putting up ads for the podcast on various platforms. You can start off small and widen your target audience as time goes by. Yes, it can be expensive but it’s not a necessary step. It’s all about getting the word out.

5. Consistent schedule

Lastly, posting consistently is going to be a huge challenge when you’re handling things alone or if you’re busy all the time. This is why podcasters bring people in to help keep the show on track.

When you follow your own schedule, this will undoubtedly grow the podcast. Your listeners will know when to look out for new episodes plus it generates excitement. You never have to worry about missing an episode again because it’s already covered.

All in all, outsourcing podcast production is a great option for those who lack the time or expertise to do it themselves. You can create high-quality episodes quickly and easily with minimal stress and it allows you to focus on your strengths as a podcaster.

As a host and producer, all you need to do are two things: find the right company to work with, and then give them everything they need to succeed. Once you’ve done that, all that’s left is to sit back and enjoy.

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